April 14th, 2011 // 11:07 am @

Established in 1978 as a non-profit, public service, membership society, A2LA accredits testing and calibration laboratories, inspection bodies, proficiency testing providers and reference material producers. AAALAC AAALAC is a private nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through a voluntary accreditation program. AAALAC stands for the “Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.” AAMI Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) Standards for Medical Instrumentation. AIHA American Industrial Hygiene Association ( AIHA ) Laboratory accreditation programs based on international standards administered by the American Industrial Hygiene Association ANSI The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is an organization that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system

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